So today I head out for my ride and this black cat runs out in front of me. I was wondering if this meant that I was gonna have bad luck now. So as Im riding I kept thinking about bad luck and all that superstition crap. I decided to check out some gravel called upper crab orchard, turns out its doesn't lead anywhere. So halfway on the gravel road I get a flat, lame, so I get off to fix it. As Im fixing it a big wasp starts gettin' all up in my shit and trying to sting me. He gave up and flew away after bothering me for 5 min. As I am fixing my flat a house starts moving up the road towards me, Yes, a house! I guess they were moving a house to its new lot or something. So I basically have no place to move, Im already in a ditch basically, so the dude driving the house squeezed by without making me go smush. So i fix the flat and I decide to go home since my tire was pretty low. Then as I'm going down Valle Cruisis back towards school these two skank ass ho's are walking in the middle of the raod, swingin' their bags and shit. So I'm going like 35+ and just buzz right by em. They jump and start screaming, that made my day. O and also, when we were riding down to Wily's to eat I almost crashed... don't ask why I almost did, I have no clue.
I don't have a meal plan for the summer because they don't offer one, lame. Rebecca gets free food for being a summer R.A. and what not, so we go to Wily's and she pretends like she is getting all this food but we really split it. Ms. Jenny hooks us up like that. But the dude that runs the cafe and Wily's was there tonight so Ms. Jenny couldn't hook us up, mondo lame. So we had to spend money, again, which is extremly scarce. So thanks again Friday the 13th and you damn black cat.
Tonight Rebecca and I went to a Contra dance, if you don't know what that is I shall explain. It takes place in a Barn and some fat old sweaty guy yells commands at you, you dance with your partner and a "neighbor" and you swing people around to the commands. It's really fun, cept when you end up dancing with someone that has no clue what they are doing and they end up screwing everything. It's also fun to see the old people that have been doing it since the first Ice Age and they get really pissed at people that screw around. All in all it is a real sweet deal, check em out next time your in B.E.
So other than that nothing much to report. Rebecca and I are going to Hampton Trails to check out some new jersey's and stuff for her. I've only been there once but I heard the dude gives killer deals, which rocks since I have $30 to my name. Which reminds me, if you want to contribute to the Feed Sean fun, my P.O. Box is 3307 if you want to make a small donation. I don't know the schools address but you can look it up.
Till the next time.