Sunday, June 22, 2008


So I am off for another adventure, I am going camping with the Boy Scouts. I know sounds kind of lame but here is the deal... I am basically going to sleep in a chair all day, then at night sit next to a camp fire then sleep more at night, and of course I will be eating the whole time, so it works out great. I might get my lazy ass up and go to an activity like basketry or something, or go to the shooting range and bust a gap in some loud mouth little kid, only the future will know.
It's gonna be nice with no phone, tv, loud annoying P.A. kids tap dancing over our heads at 3 in the morning. Im taking a book and I might end up reading it. So you wont here from me until saturday, I'm taking the iPhone but I probably wont have service, but if I do I'll post a blog or something. Well lets hope I don't fall down the mountain or get eaten by a bear, but I should be fine, this ain't my first rodeo. See ya saturday.


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