Thursday, July 15, 2010

This Just In...

So things I've been doing, I'll try and keep it short and sweet.

The tour has been going on and I've been watching it everyday. The first week of it was pretty intense. Lots of crashes, the Yellow jersey has changed hands and spirits and bones have been broken. Things are settling down and the top 10 is basically gonna be the same at the finish, maybe some riders will move up or drop back. But this is the Tour and anything can happen. Andy Schleck and Alberto Contador have already made the tour amazing with two great stages, and they have many to come. Armstrong is out of contention for the win, I think this is a good thing actually. Now the tv will focus on the real race at hand and not just Armstrong. Don't get me wrong, Lance is a legend and an amazing rider. This is another generations tour though and it's time for new names to shine. It would be awesome if he could get a stage win in though!

Here's a pic of Brent being interviewed before the start of a stage. It is so cool to have an LMC alumni in the biggest race in the world. He is the first but I am sure he will not be the last. He is having a great Tour and I'm sure this wont be his last one, he will be there for years to come! Go Brent!!!

I got a pair of Toms shoes. I had been on the fence about getting a pair for a while. I found them in the mall and tried them on many many times, just to make sure I really liked them. The store I tried them on didn't have the style I wanted, plus they were way too expensive there. I found them online like half the price and the style I wanted. I am pretty happy with them ,they are light and it doesn't feel like I'm wearing a shoe. Which is good because I hate shoes. The company also donates a pair of shoes to a kid in need when you purchase a pair, so it's for a good cause too!

Last saturday I worked debark for the Carnival Freedom. If you have ever been on a cruise you know this process. Find your bags and get in a cab or get on the bus to the airport. That's it in a nutshell, sorry I just want to keep it short and sweet. After debark I got to go on board and take a short tour, I'd never been onboard before. It was great to actually see what the ships look like inside. It makes me want to be on the ship when it's not docked haha.

My loyal readers may have seen that Rebecca and I are training for a half marathon. Well my training hit a slight snag. My knee started bothering me about 2 weeks ago. So I took a break from running and did some hard rides to keep my fitness up. I also did some stretching to see if that would clear it up. From doing research online and asking a few people that know a thing or two, I kind of self diagnosed myself. The stretching helped a little bit but when I would get a few mins into my run the pain would come back. So I heard about this magical tape called Kinesio Tape. It's very popular with pro cyclists and other major athletes. I see it all over the Tour, many riders have been taped up due to the multiple crashes. This stuff works wonders, my knee felt great almost instantly. If you ever have any aches or pains I highly recommend it! I will be using this stuff from now on, for anything! I wonder how many uses it has? It could be just like duct tape, except not as sticky...

So that's the short and sweet version of what I've been up too. I will have a new post in the next few days, now that I can run again and will be doing a good amount of long rides. It's raining now so that is a good time to hit the sack, relaxing sounds of rain and thunder. That wont keep me from riding in the morning though, I've been praying for rain when I ride. It is so hot otherwise, you need it to stay the slightest bit cool. Well until next time...

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